Thursday, May 16, 2019

Money Management for Newly Married Couple

Marriage is an life time and Important event of one's life. Marriage is Two individuals coming together to build life together. Both people may come from different background with different opinions, but they need to be in  liason with each other in all aspects especially Money.Marriage means sharing life goals, aspirations, commitments, assets and liabilities and finance.

Here are the few steps which will help the newly married couple to plan their money wisely:

Start Talking About Money:
It is always important to discuss about money with your new spouse as soon as possible after marriage. Everyone will have their own methods of spending, savings and investment. Now both must sync together for better money management.

Discuss Current Financial Situation:
Sit down together and discuss the current financial position. How much income both are earning? How much they can spend based on the spending habits?  Discuss about the personal debts they have together? How much they have saved and invested over the years? Be open and transparent with your spouse on money. Spend some time to discuss about desires, dreams and needs at the beginning stage itself.

Discuss about Financial Roles:
Clearly defining the financial roles among newly married couple will resolve lot of problems. "Who will be doing what" this should the point of discussion with the newly married couple. Think home is also similar to your career, you have to do the specific and Special tasks to achieve your goals and you have to tackle all the your obstacles. Know the strength and weeknesses of both and compare with eachother and assign tasks.

Note Down Your Life Goals:
For a newly married couple, Individuals goals will inturn become a common goal. Discuss with the spouse and jot down all goals. Like purchasing a house, Foreign Vacation, Retirement. Fund your goals together and review them periodically.

Converse about Bank Accounts:
Have separate account individually and Joint account together. Individual accounts can be used to get all credits like salary and Have a joint account to manage all your hold expenses and making Investments for your goals. Manage your money in effective way.

These things will make newly married couple to manage their money wisely.


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