Sunday, May 12, 2019

Financial Lessons from Mom!

Financial Lessons from Mom!!

Mother's are the back bone of the family!! She is the pillar of support and decision maker!! Mother's are always awesome in budgeting and in teaching kids about money.

Few Financial Lesson we can learn from our mother.

* Creating Budget:
Moms are best at creating budget, she knows where to spend the money and where to cut the expenses on forehand and prepares the budget accordingly. She teaches us the best way to budget.

*Live with what we have:
Mom are best and can adjust to live with what they have without sacrificing the needs of family. They don't take loans or use credit cards for monthly expenses. We should learn from moms to live with what we have.

* Save for future:
Moms always see ahead. She plays key role in family expenses and helps in savings. She keeps aside some money from her house expenses for emergencies. She saves in her kitchen jars and piggy banks. She inculcates savings habits in kids.

* Setting Financial Goals:
Moms are best in setting financial goals and acheiving it. She knows what is required for family. She starts saving and investing for goals. She keeps her kids to involve in acheiving the financial goals.

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