Sunday, April 7, 2019

Invest to Drive Your Passion

Investing for your passion and perusing it will make you feel comfort and complete. If we do what we like, we will give something extra to it!

You may like cycling and you wish to buy a cycle for trips during weekend. You feel to enjoy your passion. But purchasing cycle out of your monthly income may affect your finances until you have a surplus. There may be lot of hindrances from your family and friends. When you have a bike and car, why you want a cycle now? and lot more questions.

If photography is your passion you need to better Lens for camera to smart yourself . Few may fancy to learn a musical instruments like guitar, Keyboard. But they kill the passion due to the financial constraints and keep running to earn more!

Mentotax gives a solution for this with weekly investment without giving trouble to your finances to pursue your passion.

Buying a cycle/guitar/Lens would require Rs 10000/- today but by end of the year you may require Rs 10500/- due to inflation.

Start accumulating Rs 10/Week and increase it along with every week.

Week     Amount
1               10
2                20
3                30
..                 ..
..                 ..
51              510
52              520

Until you accumulate Rs 5000/- keep parking it in savings bank account where you will not withdraw for routine expenses. Your investment will fetch you 4% return for 30 weeks.

On 31st week shift your funds to Mutual Fund Liquid Schemes. Because good liquid funds need minimum investment of Rs 5000. Your investment can fetch you 6.5%. By end of the year you can save Rs 14537 with average 5.5% returns equivalent to your inflation.

Which can be utilized for purchasing your Cycle/guitar/Lens. Never give up your passion!!

Don't worry about anything!! Start investing to drive your passion in you without troubling your finances!!

#Passion #investing #MutualFunds

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