Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Guide to Mutual Fund Investment – Part 2

Yesterday, we have read about framework of mutual funds and how to start mutual fund investments.

Mentotax will guide us to various types of mutual funds available for investment
Mutual Funds are classified based on structure, Asset Class, Market Capitalisation, Investment Objectives, Solution Oriented funds.

# Based on Structure:

Open Ended Funds:
Open ended funds are open for investors to enter or exit at any time. Open funds are more liquid and easily available for purchase/redeem.

Close Ended Funds:
Close ended funds have fixed maturity. Funds can be purchased only through NFO(New Fund Offer). And few funds trade post NFO in stock exchange. Close ended fund are less liquid compared with open ended funds

Interval Funds:
Interval Funds have both the characteristics of Open ended and close ended funds. Interval funds have fixed maturity but fund will be open for investors to buy/Sell during transaction period. Transaction Period is when the fund scheme become open ended, will be available for repurchase and redemption.

# Based on Asset Class:

Equity Funds:
Equity funds of the mutual fund scheme invests in the equity instruments issued by the company. These funds have more than 65% of exposure in the equity instruments. Equity funds target long term appreciation from the gains in the value of securities held. Equity funds are further classified into various categories based on Market Capitalization, Sector Funds, ELSS.

Debt Fund:
Debt Funds of the mutual fund scheme invests in the debt instruments issued by the governments, Companies. These funds invest more than 65% in the debt Instruments. Debt funds represents Income oriented asset, and generate regular income in the form of interest. Debt funds are further classified based on tenure, Issuer, Investment Strategy.

Hybrid Funds:
Hybrid funds of the scheme invest in both the equity and debt instruments based on the objective of the fund. Risk and return of the funds depends on the allocation of funds. Risk and return is higher if equity exposure is higher. Hybrid Funds are classified further based on Conservative, balanced, Aggressive funds.

# Based on Investment Objective:

Growth Funds:
Growth fund scheme invest the money in the equity instruments and it provides capital appreciation for the investors in the long term.

Income Funds:
Income fund scheme invest the money in debt instruments of the company, Government and it provided regular income and capital protection for the investors.

Liquid Funds:
Liquid fund scheme invest the money in the T-Bills, Commercial Papers issued by the companies and It provides reasonable returns with more liquidity.

# Based on Solutions Oriented Schemes:

Retirement Fund:
Retirement fund is an open ended solution oriented fund. It has 5 Year Lock in period for the investment. It provides capital appreciation and regular income.

Children Fund:
Children fund is an open ended Solution oriented fund. It invest in wide spectrum of securities. It has 5 year lock in or until child attains majority whichever is earlier. It provides capital appreciation on investments.

There are lot more classification of funds. We will learn as we proceed further.

Keep reading and support us!

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